
57 Bedford St., Lexington, MA 02420

Group Therapy Sessions

Facilitated by Steve Marshall, MS and Jason Krompinger, these groups will follow the ACT model. ACT was developed by Drs. Steven Hayes, Kelly G. Wilson and Kirk Strosahl as a empirically-based behavioral therapy aimed at increasing psychological flexibility and decreasing emotional constriction. It employs the use of acceptance and mindfulness strategies as well as a commitment to values-driven behavior. ACT addresses avoidant coping patterns and encourages clients to shift toward living a fuller life. ACT groups currently offered include:

ACT for Perfectionism Group –This group focuses on the problematic avoidance behaviors and high anxiety associated with perfectionism. Perfectionism is the tendency to set unrealistically high standards or goals that either can’t be met or are met at the expense of basic self-care and the enjoyment of health, life and relationships.

ACT for Social Anxiety Group-This group will discuss the behavioral avoidance and emotional constriction associated with social anxiety. It will address the individuals intense self-consciousness associated with fears of being judged or criticized by others. The group will also address anticipatory anxiety and panic symptoms associated with social anxiety.

ACT for Depression and Anxiety Group-This group will apply ACT principles to the treatment of depression and anxiety, two commonly co-occurring diagnoses. Group exercises will include cognitive defusion strategies, exposure therapy principles, present-focused experiential coping strategies and values-driven living exercises.

Dr. Stephanie Boyer will facilitate all CBT groups.  CBT is an empirically-based treatment focused on challenging patterns of thinking and behavior that are associated with painful emotions.  It examines the close relationship among thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  It aims to reframe distorted thoughts and reduce maladaptive or self-destructive behaviors.

CBT-Eating Disorders Group - This group will focus on problematic thoughts about body, shape and food and how these thoughts fuel disordered eating behavior and painful emotions such as anxiety, guilt, shame, anger and sadness.  Techniques such as cognitive restructuring, behavioral scheduling, and mood monitoring will be reviewed.

CBT-Wellness and Recovery Group - This group will cover topics related to recovery including the importance of sleep hygiene, self-assessment, self-care, pleasant activity scheduling and healthy nutrition and exercise.  It will discuss coping with the impact of psychiatric symptoms on work, school, relationships and future commitments.  The group will practice adaptive coping strategies such as meditation, deep breathing and present-moment focus activities.

Dr. Julie McCarthy will facilitate the DBT group.  DBT is an empirically-based form of CBT developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan.  DBT group will assist clients in learning four sets of behavioral skills:  Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Emotion Regulation.  The central dialectic within DBT is between the seemingly opposing forces of acceptance and change. 


Jason Krompinger, Ph.D.

Julie McCarthy, Ph.D.

Caitlin Nevins, Ph.D.

Felicia Jackson, Ph.D.

Divya Kumar, MA

Review credentials...


I have had the fortunate experience of working with Dr. Mary Ellen Crowley for more than a decade ut ... - Alexander Vuckovic, M.D, MD Medical Director, The Pavilion @McLean Hospital, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School MA


Articles of Interest


Crowley, M. J. & Olivardia, R.  (2002).  What coaches should know about the prevent ...

Q & A

What kinds of insurance do you accept?

Although we are not currently on any insurance panels for either individual or group psychotherap ...



Mary Ellen Crowley, Ph.D.
Assistant Psychologist
McLean Hospital

Instructor of Psychology
Department of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School




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Mary Ellen Crowley, Ph.D.

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Mike Crane Photography
Karen J. Rogers Photography

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57 Bedford Street, Suite 230
Lexington, MA 02420